Sunday, October 29, 2023

Blog #2 - Supreme Court

After reading the History Channel's overview of the Supreme Court, I have several takeaways worth noting.

  • To be transparent, I am not familiar with the details of most things government-related, but I am eager to learn. The most interesting thing I learned after reading that I didn't know before was that the Supreme Court justices are nominated by the President. I think this is super interesting and helps me better understand the dynamic of our government systems in the United States. 
  • In my opinion, the most important takeaway from this article was the steps the Supreme Court takes to reach a decision. There are 7 steps- accept the case, file briefs, oral arguments, conference, assign opinions, circulate drafts of the opinions, and make the opinions open to the public (Roos, 2022). I think it's important to realize these steps and understand what they mean in order to be familiar with the Supreme Court and their decisions. There are a lot of steps so each decision made goes through the same exact process, making it fair. Thinking about these steps and how long the process must be makes me think about a time in my life when the Supreme Court changed the dynamic of our country, which was the day Roe v. Wade was overturned. 
  • I was surprised to learn that the first official assembly of the Supreme Court was postponed because of transportation issues. Learning this was interesting to me because it reminds me that the creation of the Supreme Court was a work in progress by real people who aren't perfect. In my mind, the Supreme Court is made up of strict, perfect people. I find it reassuring that the first steps in creating this were delayed by normal human issues. It's a reminder that the Supreme Court is meant to serve the people because they are people too.
  • Reading this helped me understand that the Supreme Court is truly for the people and the betterment of our country.

Roos, D. (2022, May 10). Steps the Supreme Court Takes to Reach a Decision. HISTORY.

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