Monday, October 30, 2023

Blog #3 - Eight Values of Free Expression

Eight Values of Free Expression Reflection 

In my opinion, the most important value of free expression is stable change. Stable change allows people to speak freely about what they want done or what they see a problem with, also known as venting. According to the text, venting reduces the chance of violence because people are expressing their feelings and not letting them pile up. I see this as the most important value of free expression because it reduces the amount of crime and violence in our country. The government has a better gauge of who could be a threat, and who is just wanting to speak their mind.


This reminds me of a very recent incident in my life where stable change was present. Recently, a dining location on High Point University's campus removed the "mobile order" feature. This was extremely disappointing as it was a very popular location and mobile order is the most convenient way to get food on campus. Instead of resorting to violence or protest, students just voiced their opinions to anyone who would listen. Emails were sent to the President, HPU dining staff was made aware that students were upset, and ultimately mobile ordering was brought back. While I understand this is a very small issue in comparison to the United States government, it is a relevant example for me and helps me understand the importance of stable change.


Individual self-fulfillment is the most personal value of free expression for me. I am thankful for the ability to be exactly who I want to be within reason without any consequences from the government or people in power. The First Amendment allows me to share my position on controversial topics, practice my religion, and gather with people of my choosing. I am allowed to own social media accounts and post whatever I want on them because I have the right to do and say as I please. I believe that these freedoms make me who I am, without them I would be put in a box and not able to freely express myself. the ability to be individuals gives US citizens control over themselves and their identity, which is why individual self-fulfillment is the most personal value to me.

Today, promoting innovation should be valued more by government officials. During the Black Lives Matter movement, peaceful protests were violently shut down by police. While few protests were started violently by protestors, the majority were peaceful and created just to make a point without harming or threatening anyone. If the freedom to speak and assemble peacefully was valued, the protest could've made a calming difference, however, there was tension between the people and government following this issue. Promoting innovation positively should be more present in our world today. Even though many examples show the government disregarding this idea, we are lucky to have it as part of our rights. I hope that as American citizens we feel safe to express our feelings and suggestions peacefully and respectably without having to worry about being reprimanded. 

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