Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Blog #6 - Antiwar


Today was the first time I have had the opportunity to take the time to read pieces from antiwar writers. To be transparent, I hadn't even heard of the term before taking this class, so being able to read multiple news pieces and blog posts from an antiwar standpoint expanded my viewpoint on the topic of war. 

The ANTIWAR.COM website is organized into 6 sections: news, blog, US casualties, and more. I decided to read the "blog" section first because this class has spiked my interest in blog writing and blog posts. I was surprised to see that the latest post was made today, November 28 which means the website is up-to-date and used frequently. The post that caught my eye first was "President Biden Had Morphed Into the Murder Mystery" because it directly relates to our country. To be honest, I've never read an article from this strong of a point of view. These authors don't shy away from their opinions and they share exactly what they're thinking. In this specific piece, Author Walt Zlotow shared this thought "Biden made one wonderful move for peace in his first seven months by ending our illegal and criminal 20-year Afghan war." That was honestly the only positive thought he shared throughout the article. 

While this article is very opinionated, I do think it's important for people to read about war from this standpoint. It was interesting to me that on the American Conservative website, the title of one of the articles is "An Alternate Narrative to the Los Angeles Streetcar Myth" which makes a lot of sense because all of the articles written from the antiwar perspective are alternate narratives to various situations. 

In my opinion, the United States loves war. Our country joins war situations any chance it gets, whether in good ways or bad. It's important to read from the antiwar perspective and realize people have been protesting and fighting from the antiwar side since the beginning of the Vietnam War in 1964. I think antiwar voices are censored by the government because of the power they hold. I wonder how much longer we will have to fight against war before changes are made. 

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